




Forum Human Capital Indonesia Charity Golf – 14 Mei 2023

also provide an opportunity for networking and socializing among participants,
sponsors and supporters. It combines the recreational aspect of golf with the
opportunity to contribute to a worthy cause.
the participants who compete in the tournament are FHCI Charity Golf 2023 with a
total of 216 participants, you can see the participants are very enthusiastic to


The Adhyaksa Golf Club Tournament is one of the regular tournaments held in Suvarna and the participants who compete in the tournament are Adhyaksa Golf Club Members with a total of 216 participants, you can see the participants are very enthusiastic to participate.
Halal Bi Halal tournament could improve relationship with partners, relations, and fellow Adhyaksa Golf Clubs.

Fun Golf Tournament PT. MMSGI

MMS Group Indonesia presents MMSGI Golf Tournament 2023 at Suvarna Jakarta
Golf Club! Saturday 6th May 2023, will be the day of the thrilling golf event combined
with a scenic garden party at Suvarna Jakarta Golf Club.

Hari Bakti Adhyaksa

Tournament Golf Suvarna Jakarta Golf Club 24 July 2022

Leonian Callaway Tournament

Leonian Callaway Present on 01 August 2022

PCGC Junior Series #3

PCGC Junior Series #3 by Livin Mandiri 21-23 June 2022